Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Card for April 15, 2014

Your Card - “Four of Air” - It’s time to rest. Take a vacation, or just create time to regroup and rejuvenate. Retreat from the world and any stress or concerns. If you’ve been ill, focus upon healing and don’t rush back into action.

I don't know about you and where you live, but today it's raining where I live.  Sometimes on those days all I want to do is sleep.  I also have 3 younger kids so anytime I can try to fit in a nap I usually do.

I would say this card is here today because we've been pushing along with our life and our spiritual purpose.  Even though we need to work toward our goals, we can't forget to take care of ourselves.  Periods of rest are needed in all situations.   If you're having trouble sleeping, look into some meditations.  They often put me to sleep, so there's a good chance they may for you. 

I know of people whose minds don't shut off.  They are constantly thinking and rethinking things.  But that's the nice thing about meditation.  Especially guided ones, you get to let those thoughts just drift away and pretty soon your mind quiets.  Usually at a quiet mind is where you find rest.

For those of you that are like me in wanting to rush into some decisions, there are often times why it would be good not to do so.  And this card says to take your time in making a decision.  There's no rush.  If someone is rushing you -- then make the decision not to do it.  You should always take time if it's a really important one.

So, I don't know about you, but with the sound of the rain I'm about ready to go take a nap...

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