Friday, April 25, 2014

Card for Friday, April 25, 2014

Your Card - “You’re Being Helped” - “Heaven is working behind the scenes to help you, even if you don’t see results yet.”

I love this card.  It's a message that even though we've asked for help and haven't seen results yet, doesn't mean that it's not coming.  This is a message to keep faith with your path and the things that you wanted and the assistance that you asked for is there.  They are busy trying to make sure everything is in place for the best assistance is going to be there for you.  Often you probably don't recognize it at first, because it wasn't exactly what you asked for.  But they are really good in that they give you what you ACTUALLY NEED.  Keep that in mind.

This card often reminds me of the picture of a duck swimming on the surface of the water.  Looking very calm and serene.  Then you get  a picture of what going on underneath the surface -- chaos, little legs going very very fast to get them where they need to be.

So don't give up hope just before the results come.  Take deep breaths, keep trudging forward and know it IS coming!

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