Friday, August 9, 2013

Feeling a bit ahhh

Last night I was in pain from my pinched nerve and didn't get much sleep.  Needless to say I didn't make it to work today.

I went to my chiropractor appointment and was in really bad shape.  He's trying to tell me not to aggravate it, but he also knows I have little ones - and so that's not always possible.

I get driving home, stop by to pick up dinner and get home and literally just sit down, when I look at my eldest.  She was snotty last night and running a fever - so I kept her home today.  Well she looked worse and this after taking a good long nap.

So off we go to the urgent care.  Looks like the start of ear infection.  So I go and pick up her medicine.  Then home for us to eat.  Then I take all 3 kids up to the top floor.  Soon I smell something.  So I go get wipes and by the time I get back up, my youngest was sitting in a bin and her diaper had moved and so we had what I deemed a poop emergency.  I didn't know that and so I sat her on my lap -- yeah me!

I'm going through a lot of emotional things right now and this lack of sleep and pain is not helping my emotions.  I tend to get a bit ahhh.  I'm trying desperately to keep peace and love in my mind, but it doesn't always help.  So hopefully sleep will help.

Now, my youngest had an MRI done in June on her brain.  Plus blood work done.  The doctor called and gave the results to my husband.  However, had I been on the phone, I would have been asking more questions.  Well I waited for the results, since they said they would send them.  Didn't get them.  I then waited past the 6 weeks they said the blood work would be back.  I called last week, but doctor wasn't in.

Finally today, I get an email that answered my questions, with basically nothing.  She doesn't "fit" any categories so they don't know what to tell me other than she'll probably be delayed.  Ok.. another AHH moment.

So I think bed is soon to be on my horizon and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

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