Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Roller coasters

You know as a child, I used to love roller coasters.  I hated that initial climb (I'm afraid of heights), but once we got going on speed -- LOVED them.  Loved the way it made my insides feel and the rush of the air around me.

Now, I'm not saying I was a dare-devil child by any means.  Hardly.  But now as an adult I sit back and wonder what it was that made it the thing to do and want to do.

Because now, I know there can be technical issues and the thought of that happening to me or to my children.. I get nightmares.

So, in saying that I don't like roller coasters now - why do my emotions like to be one?  Or am I absorbing emotions of others?  I don't know the answer, but can I get off now please?

I'm sure it's all part of the process of becoming more spiritual, but I'd like a break.  Plateaus are good.  I mean you wouldn't continue to climb up a mountain without breaks. 

Guess, I need to try and find time today to do a good meditation.  It's been a busy week so far and won't let up.  Maybe then I'll feel a bit grounded and back to business as usual.

Well, since we're talking emotions - how are all of you ?  Hopefully full of light and love.  Blessings to all of you!

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