Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Cards for Tuesday, August 19, 2014

“Clairaudience” - Archangel Zadkiel: “Notice the loving guidance you hear inside your mind, or from other people.”

“Power” - As a spiritual being, you have unlimited power at your command. This card represents inner strength, willpower, courage, compassion, generosity, and love.

I was drawn to pull two cards for today.  Both very empowering cards.  The first is the Clairaudience.  All this means is "hearing".  Whether it be that voice inside of your or a message you hear on the radio/TV or even a song that may tell you a message that's going on with you.  I've had this happen a lot.  Of course unless you're looking for it, you may miss it completely. But if that message is important for you to hear the angels will make sure it will get across to you.  So this card is basically telling you to be more aware about the messages they're trying to tell you.  Keep an open mind for it, because I know from personal experience, what message we get about a situation may not be the one we were hoping for.  We just have to realize we don't see the whole picture and they do, so take their guidance as what's it's meant to be.

The second card is POWER.  This card is here to show you that you have the strength to get through a situation and you can pull it up at anytime.  The other thing it tells us is that because of your strength of surviving things you are showing others how to do that as well.  This is a very loving card as well.  To embrace that which is natural to you and show others how to be strong when they may not know how.  Breaking a cycle and taking a stand.  You will get through this and survive.

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