Friday, May 31, 2013


How do you handle it?  If you're like me, not always well.  Been a couple of trying days.  The air in the vehicle I use is not working.  So I take the day off to go and have it looked at and now it needs a compressor.  Which they have to get a hold of and so it won't be fixed until Sunday.

Then my back acted up last night and so I didn't sleep well.  I only got 5 hours of sleep and have been watching the twins, while trying to work on getting my new website up and running.

It's been frustrating.  When I first looked into getting into a website ( I was shooting blind.  At the time, I thought I'd be able to use Front Page (I used that in the 90's to make my other websites -- once upon a time)  They didn't have it.  So I had to make due with the hosting services "webpage makers"  -- won't get into details which one, as they all are only as good as the template you get.  Which basically means, not really configurable.  I get some people may not want to mess with that stuff -- it's pretty easy to just slap stuff up -- but come on.. the font is changed for the whole site, not individual pages.  Really? 

Then I looked into getting the forum up -- again, it has been a long while since I had even looked at that stuff.  I did what I could.  I'm working with free stuff as much as possible -- although they don't tell you up front that you'll be spending $$ just trying to get better templates and stuff.

So when I was getting the website up -- I did it quickly.  I didn't have a lot of time (still don't) to learn complicated HTML or CSS programming.  WSYWIG is the way to go for me -- I'm visual.  Now products do have that -- but it's limited compared to my old friend Front Page :D

I decided to see if I could look at a different product to see if it was more configurable.  Guess what -- a little more -- but not much if you wanted it to be free.  Then I was looking at plugins and widgets and getting more and more confused. 

I'm the type of person that has enough technical stuff going on I can get into trouble :D

Well trying to see if I can do products/services for payment for the different pages (people) we have involved and the answer was NO.  It was the WHOLE site.   That wouldn't be bad, but it's not configurable enough for me to make my own product area and pay buttons.

Hence the reason looking for my own site.  Found a free service, have my domain name registered and my content is up and running.  I'll be adding to it soon.

So when it comes to this website stuff -- I keep trying for the Law of Attraction to come and bring me someone technical into my life that can help and teach me (for free).  So far it hasn't happened - but I keep praying for it.

So it's been a bit frustrating... and I'm trying to deal.  I didn't even yell at the kids -- other than when the boy took something from the littlest :D

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