Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I took this picture last year.  But I figured since I was talking about finding blessings, I'd put this picture up.  I took it with my phone and I couldn't see what exactly I was taking and so here's this picture.  I kind of like it.  The sun covered in the clouds makes me think of the blessing "balls" I send out to people.  Blessing balls is just love and blessing energy sent to those that I feel may need it from time to time.

So I thought since it looked like a blessing ball to me, I would post it here and imbue the blessing into this picture.  I feel everyone should have a blessing and if  you take the time to come here and read my posts and now look at this picture I have blessed, hopefully that energy will go to you as well if you're willing for it to.

So you might have heard the term Reiki infused pictures -- well this is my blessing one.  May it bring you peace, love, joy, blessings and hopefully all good stuff to you.  You'll have to let me know how it works for you :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the blessing infused picture with us! I definitely feel power, warmth, and love coming from the photo into my auric field. I am sending blessings in return to you!

    Love, Light, Blessings

    Bear Raven
