Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Card for Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Your Card:  “The Moon” - Everyone experiences times in their lives when they’re afraid or insecure. Sometimes these fears are based on external factors you can see, and sometimes worries stem from irrational or unreal concerns. In both cases it’s important to go within and listen to your intuition as to what to do next. Ask your inner self about the source of your anxiety, and trust your guidance.

We all get times where we are afraid.  Just yesterday we were forging ahead trying to keep up and now we're stopping ourselves.   Change can be hard for a many individuals to handle, but it's in our best interest to keep moving forward.

If you notice in this picture the angel is all wrapped up, but it's not done to her, she did it herself.  She's trying to stop herself from moving on.  She's afraid of what might happened.  It's easy to get into that mindset.

I know many people call me a strong woman for all of the things I've gone through in my life.  But seriously, what would sitting and crying and vegging out accomplish?  I took my moment of grief and then moved on.  Maybe because of my experiences I've already had, I know things can't get worse.. well they could.. but I know I could deal.  I'm also not saying to give yourself a moment.  I know how daunting things can be at times.  Giving yourself a moment to collect yourself before moving on is ok to do.  But you do have to move on.  Think of it this way - what wondrous things are you missing by not moving on?

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