Monday, June 2, 2014

Cards for Monday, June 2, 2014

Your Card - “Knight of Water” - SITUATIONS: Deep emotions arising from situations or relationships impact your life. Falling in love or a wedding proposal is possible. You (or someone close to you) need to balance your emotions, lest you become overwhelmed. You may receive invitations to parties or other social opportunities. PEOPLE: An extremely emotional person who’s driven by a love of romance, art, and beauty. Someone who is charming, contemplative, and idealistic.

Your Card - “Balance” - The angels are cautioning against making impulsive decisions or moves right now. Instead, take the path of moderation and balance in this situation. You’ll experience better results by reevaluating your current circumstances and changing your approach. If you acted impulsively in the past, you can heal and rectify things. And if you’re considering making dramatic life changes, then this card asks you to approach those changes slowly and methodically.

I was drawn to pull two cards today.  The first one is all about emotions.  I know it reads along the lines of falling in love, getting a marriage proposal, but in truth for me it's all about your emotions.  Both good and bad.  It could also be a person around you that is what I would call turbulent with their emotions.  They range from the lowest low.. .to the highest high.  Rollercoaster people I like to call them.  I ought to know, I used to kind of be that way.    Maybe you're going through something that has your normal emotions all out of whack.  

Well the second card is remind us to work on being balanced with all things in our life.   Don't jump on something because you think it's something you need.  Wait to see if it really is a good of a deal as you initially thought.  It' s OK to wait for something, make plans to acquire it and in doing so you may find that it may not have been for you or something better is coming to you.  I know there are many things in the past I jumped on to find out later that OMG, I should not have done that.  

I am a true believer that if it's meant to be, it will still be there for you when the time is right.

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