Friday, June 28, 2013


I'm taking this online course, just started Monday.  It's a course that works on you to change your vibration to make your dreams come true.  There's a money back guarantee - otherwise I probably wouldn't have done it.

Again, I started Monday.  Tuesday I had an afternoon appointment with the doctor and afterwards was thirsty.  So I stopped by a convenience store.  While there, I decided to pick up 2 lottery tickets and 2 scratch offs - total spent $20.  So before I picked up my prescriptions - I did my scratch offs.  $60 winnings.  That never happens to me.  The most I ever make is my money back if that.  WOW, just after 1 day?

Now, I didn't win anything with the lottery tickets - but hey it's a start :)

So here I am, doing the things they want you to do for the week.  Stuff to incorporate into your life that takes very little time to do.

This morning, I realize I need gas.  I happened to look down and see my odometer reading:  229888.

So I decide to look up these numbers in Doreen Virtue's Angel Numbers:

229  - "Know that your Divine life purpose is unique and much needed.  Trust that you're fulfilling this purpose right this very minute.  No one can do this but you."

888 - "This is a very auspicious sign of complete financial support from the Universe.  Money is flowing in your direction!"

WOW.  I have never had these numbers come up before.  I often see 313 - which is my bday so I know they're thinking of me.

So, now I'm really curious as to where I'll be after this course is done.  It's 12 weeks.  They have you focus on one area of your life.  I chose money/financial abundance.  The steps you learn here in the 12 weeks you then can apply to other areas of your life.  But, I'm getting signs everywhere that this raising my vibration is definitely working.

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