Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 11 - Nerd/GLEEK

OK.  I'll admit it I'm a nerd.  Now, in the sense of other nerds out there - I'm not as much of one as others, but I still claim the label.  Why do you ask?  Because I think nerds are awesome.  They are the ones that see beyond the ordinary and strive to make things better.  Nerds like things like Dungeons and Dragons, computers and their games, among a vast majority of other things.

I grew up when computers where just starting out.  We personally didn't have a computer, but my Dad was a teacher and was able to bring one home on holidays.  I of course was on it a good portion of the time.  I learned some basic programming and loved watching it come to life.  I remember being in Junior High and if we got our homework done we could go onto the computer and program.  Needless to say, I did it quite often.

I loved the Renaissance and the immersion some can get from it.  That led to getting into playing Dungeons and Dragons in college.  Now I'll admit right up that I wasn't the best player but I did have some pretty good things happen while playing that took a lot of people by surprise.  The main one was I was able to roll 20's quite often.  For those that play - they'll understand what that means.

Oh and I love Sci-Fi movies, TV shows.   Star Trek, Stargate, Star Wars and heck just recently Fringe.  I love watching these series and try and find other ones -- the only one I haven't tackled yet is Dr. Who.  But I'm sure that's coming.

That leads into Glee.  Now I may be 44, but I love this show.  I'm a musical nerd/geek - so in essence I too have become a Gleek.  I love how the concept of being a nerd and/or geek can be cool.  It has really portrayed us in a good light.  It shows that we all have feelings regardless of who we are or are "labeled".

So can you too be cast in the Nerd/Geek label as well?

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