Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day 16 - Writer

1/2 way there..and for today - Day 16 - my label is writer.  I love to write.  I started writing my first book at 12.  It was all about my camp days with a bit of a romance thrown in.  I got about 13 chapters done and then as my friend was busing reading it, I decided I didn't like it and she was really mad because she wanted to know how it was going to end!

I then in my 20's was busy writing another novel - I mean I had to sit out in a room to help people - similar to a receptionist and there was often "down time".  I was writing a Young Adult novel about a musical camp.  I had all the character plotted out and got a few chapters done, when life got busy and I got a different job.  So the book got put on hold.

I didn't really write again, for many years when life was slow again.  This time I started a romance novel.  I figured I didn't know much about the past and personally was too lazy to find out - so I thought I'd write some futuristic novel that would come back into the present time.  I got 3 chapters done, submitted them to a writing forum, who gave me some pointers.  I stopped writing it because the hubby at the time (now ex) told me I'd never make it as a writer.  Someday I'll get back to the book and finish it to spite him :D

So I stopped, and life got busy again.  Darn life..

Well I then started writing for writing in a blog.  It was mainly for the family and keeping them up on all the things going on with daughter #1 -- as she had health issues.  Well she got better.. then life got busy again and bye bye blog.

So the past year or so - maybe shorter - as I lack time these days, I have really been working on my spirituality.  So I started a new blog.  I didn't care if anyone really read it or not - though it's nice if they do :)  But it was to put my life into perspective about my journey.  Journal-ling is cathartic - at least for me.  So I started writing.  I then decided to write on my blog as well when I started it.  Gives more exposure.  Unfortunately lately I haven't been able to do everything I used to.  So that one has been lacking.  I'm hoping if the sleep continues, I can get back to it.

I'm also writing a book.  It's about my girls and the stuff I went through with them and their medical issues.  It has been through so many revisions since I first started.  However, I finally got 2 of the 3 chapters done.  Minus the formatting/pictures.  I started the 3rd chapter, but I was waiting on the results of her MRI and blood work.  But right after I got it, I got hit with this back issue.  So again, hopefully with more sleep, I can feel good enough to string sentences together :D

So as you can see, I claim this label.  It's part of who I am.  Writing can be in many different formats including chatting :D  Which as you know is another label I claim.

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