Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day 18 - Sick & Tired

I thought for this day my labels of Sick and Tired would be good - considering I'm feeling a bit better than I have in awhile.  But this one of those labels I would love to get rid of.

My whole life I have been one or the other or worse both!  Sick is never good - I have a terrible immune system so put me with 3 kids - I usually get it twice.  I've been trying lately (before my back went out) to be more positive with my intentions and so far it's done pretty well on the sickness (colds and such).  But my back.. not so much.  Because it's been out, I can't get comfortable and so I don't get much sleep let alone restful sleep.  I'm surprised really that I've been surviving as well as I have.  So I'm TIRED.. I mean my bags have bags have bags under my eyes.


I have a life I want to live.  Kids I want to play with.  A house that is in desperate need of cleaning!

Now I've been trying to have a more positive attitude, trying not to dwell on my pains.. or tell people them -- because I don't want them anymore.  So I try and say, I've been better.. but I'm alive and kicking still.. so can't be all that bad.

So how about you?  How do you feel about being sick or tired or both?  Are you like me and ready to give up this label?  SNIP SNIP  -- here ya go life.. give me back my life!

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