Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 30 - Spiritual

We are here at the last day of the 30 days I AM challenge.  It's kind of nice yet I'll miss it because it's done.  For me it was really interesting trying to come up with some labels and yet some were so easy to write about.

My last day, I decided to chose the label SPIRITUAL.  Too often that label has misconceptions.

Now, let me start by saying I was raised as a Presbyterian.  So I do believe in God and Jesus and the angels.

My parents were involved in the church, so we were there more often than not.  I attended Sunday school, church and youth group.  But what I did every summer from 7th to 12th grade was attend a church camp.  It went for a week.  I got so much out of that time.  We had music art and drama infused with a message.  It was great.  That week usually sustained me the whole year.  It was a place where we were able to talk open and freely about anything without repercussions.

It was my 12th grade year when I knew God existed.  I was considering suicide and he spoke to me.  Now I know that sounds corny and such, but it was real.  I heard a voice in my head telling me to wait a day.  It was filled with such joy and love and it filled me with it that to this day, no matter how bad things get, I think back to that moment and it's all aright again.  I used to even be afraid of dying and now I think of that moment where I'll get to experience that energy again and it makes everything alright.  And I can't really explain it well -- other than total acceptance and ultimate love.

Now, I've always been interested in the Metaphysical.  Astrology, Tarot, etc.  I even started having clairvoyant things happen to me in my 20's but didn't have anyone guiding me.  So I shut the door.

In my 30's I felt like even without guidance, I could handle it, but who knew I shut the door so well.  Slowly, bit by bit, things started coming back.  It was only a few years ago, when I started hearing "voices" in my head.  They were my guides and then the Archangels.  I also found I could help people with physical ailments - using my mind.  I could actually heal them. 

I then not long ago was bemoaning what was my purpose with this - as I work full time and am the paycheck and I just didn't know what my path was supposed to be.  Jesus came to me.  He had before and his energy is just like God's, just subtler.  This time, I felt him take my face in his hands and tell me that I'm to heal the world.  Well who am I to say no to Jesus.  I still have no idea how to do it, but I keep trying to spread the love.  It's all I can do right now.

Now spiritually, I know there are a lot of different religions.  But who's to say that they might not be actually the one and the same.  Cultures are different so it has to be presented differently.  If not the same, they are close enough.  So I may not be "religious" and personally don't want to be, I like to say I'm Spiritual - and that means I have my own faith and use what I know and believe to be right in my heart for me.  Which for some could be wild ideas.  But I'm OK with it because not everyone is in that same understanding.  They have to do for them what they feel is right.

In my SPIRITUALNESS - I am loving and kind, open and willing to listen and INFINITE in his grace.

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