Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 21 - Loving

I AM Loving.  I totally claim this label.  I try to be loving to all people.  I used to deal with anger issues and rude people and you know what I found?  If you put anger and rudeness to people that are doing it to you .. all you get is more angry and more rude.  You put love forth and it dissipates.  Love is the higher vibration.  Coming to this conclusion, I now on my commute,  when people almost hit me to get in front and just a car or two ahead where they were.. I just bless them.  May they get to where they need to go safely and not get into any accident.  Now that's way better to react than how I used to -- getting angry.

Have you noticed that when you're angry and then it goes away how tired you are?  Yet with love, you're still energized.  Not only that you feel Happy.  Who wouldn't want that feeling?

I know almost a year ago I started on the path of love and it's been a rollercoaster ride for me.  Highs and lows.. and yet I keep coming out stronger for it.  There is no other feeling like love and giving it freely to others to help them.

Like my children.  There are times where they do something wrong but I try where ever I can to treat it with love as well as discipline.  I want them to feel safe in working with me even when they've done something wrong.  Too often we as parents make our kids feel bad or unsafe if something bad happens.  So when something really bad happens, we are left out of the loop and it goes from bad to worse.  I want my children to feel safe to come to me with anything.. good or bad.  And together we'll find a solution.

With my loving role, I find that I'm helping complete strangers.  Sometime in just interacting with them.  Many are looking for acceptance.  Many have not found it.  They always seem in surprise when they tell me stuff about themselves thinking to shock me and I just accept them.  Who am I to judge how they reacted or what they did back when.  Not my place. 

I could go on and on about this topic.. but you get the gist.. I am LOVING and I LOVE being this label 110%.  How about you? Can you be more loving to others?  And if you do, what results does it bring to you?

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