Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 14 - Clairaudient

My label today is Clairaudient.  For those that don't know what that term means - it means I hear spirits/guides.  And when I say hear - I don't mean hear in the 'normal' sense (aka physical ears).  You know that voice you had in your head, the one you talk to yourself about things or practice speeches etc?  That's the one I'm talking about.

Now, I mentioned I like to chat.  This includes with myself.  Often I'll have a debate in my head or conversations or even practice a conversation, like what I would have said had my brain been attached at the time :D

So here I am, sitting in my car one day, talking to myself about what road I should take and to my surprise I got an answer.  To be honest it freaked me out.  So I questioned it.  Kept getting responses.  Again, in my voice but not how I speak, which really freaked me out.  So I asked "them" to do another voice.  To which I got "which voice?"  I picked Nia Vardalos, because I love her movies.  So my guide Tea' started using that voice so I could distinguish her.  So for awhile, it was only her I heard.

I was trying to work on my book and having issues with the writing, when I asked for "help".  That's something  you can do, is ask for assistance with whatever you might be doing.  As certain guides come and go depending upon the situation.  Well for me, I asked for someone to help me with my writing.  I should have been more specific.  What I got was an 8th century Chinese poet - who basically kept telling me that my writing stunk and to start over and do better.  Needless to say, I asked for him to go away. LOL

The next ones I heard were Archangels.  All 4 of them.  Michael, Uriel, Raphael and Gabriel.  Uriel was first.  He really soothed my soul.  It was hurting pretty good when I could finally hear him.  It was after that I managed to actually sense him and then the others.  Michael, being the jokester he is from time to time, apparently knew I had seen the John Travolta in the movie Michael and so that has been his voice and persona ever since.  Both Uriel and Michael like to pick on Raphael - reminds me of the teasing that's done in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Raphael is very sweet and quiet and pretty good natured to take that kind of abuse.  Gabriel appears to me as female.  I mean she is the angel of communication and who better to communicate than a woman :D  She has a lovely lilting voice.

Michael and Uriel are the main ones I talk with.  They kind of have taken over the role of my guides even though they are still around.  And before people get anxious, angels are on a different energy level than us and can be in multiple places at once.

Initially when I first started hearing these voices, I thought for sure I was going nuts.  But then as I got to know them and their loving energy, I really love being able to hear them.  Not everyone can. 

So for this label I gladly claim it - now I can't wait until I can hear actual spirits I know it's coming!

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